Doctoral Research Positions

The MSCA DN EnTRust project is to establish a Doctoral Network (DN) that will train a cohort of 11 Doctoral Researchers (DRs) in an intersectoral, international and interdisciplinary settings with the aim to establish a new generation of Data Executives that are able to advance the state of the art in sharing data in a fair, transparent, and trusted environment.
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Available Positions

DR01: An architecture and framework for a farmer data-sharing gateway

Recruiting Beneficiary: Università Degli Studi Di Palermo (UNIPA), Italy
PhD awarding entities: UNIPA, Italy
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36

DR02: Investigate barriers and drivers for sharing farm data

Recruiting Beneficiary: Agricultural University of Athens(AUA), Greece
PhD awarding entities: AUA, Greece
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36

DR03: Privacy preserving and anonymisation technology for farming data to allow data sharing

Recruiting Beneficiary: SingularLogic (SL), Greece
PhD awarding entities: Università Degli Studi Di Palermo (UNIPA), Italy
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36

DR04: Cyber Risk assessment for agri-data

Recruiting Beneficiary: Maggioli SPA, Italy
PhD awarding entities: National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM), Ireland
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36

DR05: Data Ownership and rights sharing framework

Recruiting Beneficiary: National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM), Ireland
PhD awarding entities: NUIM, Ireland
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36

DR06: Techniques to ensure data quality and trustworthiness of argi-data

Recruiting Beneficiary: Airfield Estate (AF), Ireland
PhD awarding entities: Natinal University of Ireland (NUIM), Ireland
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36

DR07: Methodology to identify data exploitation opportunities

Recruiting Beneficiary: SingularLogic (SL), Greece
PhD awarding entities: Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Greece
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36

DR08: Develop a socio-ecological value scorecard for farming

Recruiting Beneficiary: Linnaeus University (LNU), Sweden
PhD awarding entities: LNU, Sweden
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36

DR09: Fair data exploitation principles and framework

Recruiting Beneficiary: Teagasc – Agriculture and Food Development Authority (TEAG), Ireland
PhD awarding entities: National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM), Ireland
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36

DR10: Design community-based business models for agri-data ecosystem

Recruiting Beneficiary: Södra skogsägarna ekonomisk förening (SOD), Sweden
PhD awarding entities: Linnaeus University (LNU), Sweden
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36

DR11: Data-driven business models for ecosystems of farmers

Recruiting Beneficiary: University St. Gallen (USG), Switzerland
PhD awarding entities: USG, Switzerland
Planned Start Month: July 2023
Duration (months): 36