Consortium Members
EnTrust brings together 10 beneficiaries and 6 associate partners from 5 European countries. True to the spirit of diversity, the consortium members are a fair mix of academic (6 members) and non-academic (10 members).
About the members
The EnTrust consortium members have extensive experience in European projects as coordinator, partners, industry and academic collaborations, scientific research, international recruitment and graduate training, prototype development and R&D labs. The members brought together have relevant experienced, exposure and in past have demonstrated successful collaborations in H2020, MSCA and bilateral projects.
The EnTrust partners are Beneficiaries and Associate Partners. The role of EnTrust Beneficiaries is to lead WPs, host DRs and executing the training events. The Role of Associate Partners is to offer trainings in the form of guest lectures, workshops, and execution of planned secondments, in addition to providing research support by providing data sets, access to modern technology and facilities and extensive contact networks.
The role of EnTrust Beneficiaries is to lead WPs, host DRs and executing the training events.
Maynooth University
Location: Ireland
Short Name: NUIM
Type: Academic
Department: Innovation Value Institute
Maynooth University (MU) is a constituent university of the National University of Ireland. The University has 9,900 Undergraduates; 2,160 Postgraduates (masters and doctoral students); 500 Academic and Research Staff and €23m Research Income per annum. The EnTrust MSCA Doctoral Network is hosted at the Innovation Value Institute which has developed a solid partnership with industry-leading companies and worldwide academia. The IVI was co-founded in 2006 by Maynooth University.
Host Role: Project co-ordination & lead WP6 & WP2; Innovation Value Institute open portal and industry partnerships
Prof. Markus Helfert (
Dr. Zohreh Pourzolfaghar (
Dr. Peter Mooney (
EnTrust Project Manager
Aoife Brady (
Linnaeus University
Location: Sweden
Short Name: LNU
Type: Academic
Department: Informatics
Linnaeus University aims to focus on how curiosity in knowledge creation generates utility through close collaborations, when we set knowledge in motion for sustainable societal development. This project is placed at the Department of Informatics within the Faculty of Technology that is a co-founder of the recently established Digital Transformation Knowledge Environment. The Department of Informatics’ core activities relate to the design and use of information technology in various domains, such as industry, health care, administration, and social life etc. At the department of informatics, research is carried out within three main areas: system thinking, digital business transformation and interaction design.
Host Role: Lead WP3; CODER lab for Co-Design, Experimentation and Innovation with User Experiences
Prof. Anita Mirijamdotter (
Associate Professor Arianit Kurti (
Teagasc – the Agriculture and Food Development Authority
Location: Ireland
Short Name: TEAG
Type: Academic
Department: Department of Agrifood Business and Spatial Analysis
Teagasc is the Agriculture and Food Development Authority of Ireland. Its mission is to support science-based innovation in the agri-food sector and wider bioeconomy to underpin profitability, competitiveness, and sustainability. Teagasc is a unique organisation: a research institute fully integrated with advisory, education and training services for farmers and the rural economy. Teagasc is an applied research organisation, focused on the needs of the Irish agri-food industry. Teagasc involvement in EnTrust is led through the Department of Agrifood Business and Spatial Analysis which is part of the Rural Economy and Development Programme (REDP) in Teagasc.
Host Role: Network of experimental farms across the country. E.g., 379 ha grassland for environmental & livestock system research
Dr. Aine Regan (
Dr. Stuart Green (
Singular Logic
Location: Greece
Short Name: SL
Type: Non-academic
Department: Enterprise Software and Digital Integrated Solutions
Leading Software and Integrated IT Solutions Group in Greece. In line with the innovation roadmap of our company as a leading software integrator, the R&D department sets as a strategic goal to increase know-how of the company in data platforms federation, data governance and sovereignty. In this line, the key research areas for our activities relate to data management, cloud technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) targeting different application domains, such as energy, government, agriculture, health and other. Singular Logic has its headquarters in Athens. The company has been significantly investing in technical equipment and training, by providing adequate computing/middleware infrastructure and training in cutting-edge technologies to its employees. To this end, with the uptake of cloud, SL has invested in setting up and maintaining a private cloud infrastructure located in Athens.
Host Role: Strong computing/middleware infrastructure. Private cloud infrastructure for innovative products and solutions
Dr. Stamatia Rizou (
Universita Degli Studi Di Palermo
Location: Italy
Short Name: UNIPA
Type: Academic
Department: Computer Science
Università degli Studi di Palermo (est. 1806, is an internationally acknowledged public research institution covering all main fields of study, fostering an interdisciplinary approach. 48 projects have been funded in the Horizon 2020 framework, up from 33 in the 7th Framework. 11 additional projects approved under Horizon Europe and 21 admitted to funding under the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience. UniPa has a large research infrastructure: ‘ATeN – Advanced Technologies Network Center’, regionally acknowledged, and part of the 2021-2027 National Plan of Research Infrastructures.
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (DMI) has, in addition to the graduate and master’s degrees in Mathematics and CS, a PhD in Mathematics and CS that includes both theoretical mathematics and basic applied sciences (computer science, BigData, cloud computing, machine learning, multispectral data analysis, mathematical models for neuroscience and biomedicine). A particular strength of DMI is the analysis of multidimensional data, addressed with deterministic methodologies and Machine Learning-oriented approaches.
PhD students will have the opportunity to complete their studies in universities, companies, institutions and research centres, in Italy and abroad. The primary objective of the PhD is the training of young researchers in the fields of Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and CS, and to create professional figures for the scientific research sector, as well as in industry. In the three years of the training project, PhD students will acquire 180 credits accordingly: 36 credits – internal doctoral courses; 24 credits – seminars, workshops and schools; 12 credits – tutoring; 78 credits – study and research; 30 credits – final paper. Students are expected to be able to: carry out an independent research activity; coordinate activities with other experts on research/development projects; coordinate small teams; carry out communication activities at an international level.
Host Role: DMI infrastructure provides 4 labs, remote learning tools, Hosts the Advanced Technology Network Centre (ATeN)
Prof. Domenico Tegolo (
Dr. Biagio Lenzitti (
Agricultural University of Athens
Location: Greece
Short Name: AUA
Type: Academic
Department: Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering
Engineering Group (ENG) is the Digital Transformation Company, leader in Italy and expanding its global footprint, with around 12,000 associates and with over 60 offices around the world. It integrates best-of-breed market solutions, managed services, and continues to expand its expertise through M&As and partnerships with leading technology players. With significant investments in R&D (€ 40 million per year), Engineering Group plays a leading role in Research, coordinating national and international projects thanks to 6 R&D laboratories and a team of 450+ researchers and data scientists and a network of scientific and university partners across Europe.
Host Role: Strong presence on the outsourcing and cloud computing market (3 data centres). R&D Lab with 80 researchers
Dr. Susanna Bonura (
Mr. Vito Morreale (
Airfield Estate DAC
Location: Ireland
Short Name: AF
Type: Non-academic
Department: Educational Food
Airfield Estate is an educational charity in the south of Dublin. They are Dublin’s Sustainable Food Hub and their mission is to inspire and enable people to make informed food choices. Airfield is concerned with sustainable food production and the impact of food production and consumption on people and the environment. They are open to the public daily and their education and estate teams work around simplifying and communication the story of food around which the often inaccurate and conflicting information can cause confusion for consumers. They partner with academic and non-academic organisations to use food data & tech solutions to nudge the consumer towards making better food choices. They increase Airfield’s reach and impact through accessible online and community engagement and by working with other food-related charities.
Host Role: Testbed working urban farm. Food educational programmes. multifunctional educational spaces
Dr. Kirstie McAdoo (
Dr. Aoibhín Moore Heslin (
Maggioli SPA
Location: Italy
Short Name: MAG
Type: Non-academic
Department: Data Science
MAGGIOLI SPA is a leader in provisioning complete IT solutions and services for the public sector, with extensive experience in designing and managing national and international R&D projects, either serving as a coordinator, system integrator or developer. MAG already developed various cloud-based solutions and services have been developed and are being commercialized targeting both public and private organizations at local, regional and governmental levels. Moreover, with extensive experience in European projects, by being involved in more than 35 European projects with various roles and extensive and previous experience in Marie Curie projects.
Sofoklis Efremidis (
Tareq Chihabi (
Södra skogsägarna ekonomisk förening
Short Name: SOD
Type: Non-academic
Department: Forest Industry
Founded in 1938, Södra is Sweden’s largest forest-owner association, with 52,000 forest owners as its members. We conduct modern and responsible forestry, and operate state-of-the-art mills in which we process our raw material. In 2021, net sales amounted to SEK 27 billion and employees totalled 3,100. Through value-generating relationships and a long-term approach, Södra shows the way for the next generation of forestry.
Host Role: Product innovation expertise in forest, sawn timber, paper, textiles, chemicals, and energy
Torbjörn Karlsson (
Kristoffer Segerholm
Associate Partners
The Role of Associate Partners is to offer trainings in the form of guest lectures, workshops, and execution of planned secondments, in addition to providing research support by providing data sets, access to modern technology and facilities and extensive contact networks.
Universität St. Gallen
Location: Switzerland
Short Name: USG
Type: Academic
Department: Media and Communication
The University of St.Gallen (USG) was founded as a business academy in 1898. Today, the University of St. Gallen received EQUIS and AACSB accreditation for its holistic education at the highest academic level, making it the first German-language university in Europe to have received both leading international seals of quality. Many rankings place the University of St. Gallen among the leading business universities in Europe. At USG, EnTrust will be hosted by the Institute for Media and Communications Management (MCM). The institute is fully equipped to host doctoral students, with dedicated workspaces with necessary IT infrastructure.
Host Role: Media & Communications Management Institute, media lab, GERI – Global School in Empirical Research Methods
Professor Katarina Stanoevska (
The Wheel
Location: Ireland
Short Name: WH
Type: Non-academic
Department: Social Enterprise
The Wheel is Ireland’s national association of community and voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises. The Wheel is a registered charity in Ireland and is unique in their role as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for anything related to the charity and non-profit sector. The mission of The Wheel is to strengthen the capacity and capability of community and voluntary organisations, charities and social enterprises to play their part in changing Ireland for the better.
Host Role: Representative for the food sector’s Encompassing Public Policy and Advocacy Programme, Networking Programme
Mr. Tony Ward
Location: Italy
Short Name: MAR
Type: Non-academic
Department: Farming
The Mariscò, Azienda Agricola Laura Bargione, situated in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily. 4th generation run, Laura Bargione, since 1998. Since 2013, the Farm is a beneficiary of European Funds, specific to organic farms. MAR has won many awards such as the DeaTerra award, given by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies, and has been invited to the United Nations in New York (2018) and to the European Parliament (2019 and 2020) to present their work.
Host Role: Farm building (kitchen & tasting room), 3 warehouses, transformable into laboratories. Technical equipment (tractors etc.)
Ms. Laura Bargione (
Interior Cluster
Location: Sweden
Short Name: IC
Type: Non-academic
Department: Swedish furniture cluster
Interior Cluster Sweden is a cluster of companies such as furniture manufacturers, designers, subcontractors as well as municipalities that strive to support their local companies. Our furniture cluster is a national membership-based organisation with the mission to connect local and regional stakeholders with companies working in the industry. Our goal is to support our member companies in order for them to generate sustainable growth, increased profitability and employment, and we do this through project collaboration.
Interior Cluster Sweden is a part of the association “The Swedish Furniture Cluster” which spreads over the neighbouring regions of Småland, Västra Götaland and Skåne. In association with representatives of the design, furniture and home interior sectors, furniture manufacturers and subcontractors, the main tasks of Interior Cluster Sweden are to (1) Create interest in the industry on regional, national and international level, (2) Spread knowledge about design and production know-how for an increased competitive edge, (3) Collaborate with academics, (4) Be the gathering place for activities that bring value to the industry, and (5) Include education & research as a natural part of the cluster’s work and spread knowledge for the benefit of our members.
Host Role: Interior Cluster will provide support to the training programmes, guest lecture, hosting secondment
Ms. Anna Rosenqvist (
HL Design
Location: Sweden
Short Name: HLD
Type: Non-academic
Department: Web agency
HL Design is a SaaS company with offices in Växjö. Sweden. We are a value-creating partner helping clients with digital growth through e-commerce combined with digital marketing that makes a difference.
WM3 by HL Design is an innovative and flexible e-commerce platform adapted for B2B, D2C and B2C. The platform is fully integrated with many of the market’s most popular business systems, payment solutions and transport booking systems, which saves both time and money as duplication of work is avoided. As WM3 is equipped with both PIM, as well as Multishop, Marketing Automation and AI, it is well suited for e-commerce owners who want to scale up and accelerate their sales.
HL Design is associate with the Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA, and is a host of one Industrial PhD Student within this school.
Host Role: Participate and contribute to research, innovation, and training activities, Intersectoral Secondment Supervisor, Delivering guest lecture, Training in Digital Communications
Henrik Löwenadler (
Agro App
Location: Greece
Short Name: AA
Type: Non-academic
Department: Agricultural ICT Solutions
AgroApps was established in 2015 with the vision to bring technology closer to the agricultural sector and provide sustainable tools that support modern farming. Passionate about applying ICT, AgroApps team uses and combines sophisticated mathematical models, machine learning technologies, satellite and meteorological data and crop development models to build solutions and customized services for farmers, agricultural consultants, agri-food and agricultural insurance companies, as well as for the public sector worldwide. AgroApps is indirectly linked to the beneficiary Singular Logic. Both companies are subsidiaries of Space Hellas S.A., Greece.
Host Role: State-of-the-art farm technologies (Weather and Climate Intelligent Engine etc.) for geospatial data products and services
Mr. Polymachi Symeonidou ( )